Suhas Kataria Tech Talk

7 Key Trends Shaping India's AI Startup Landscape Beyond LLMs and GPU Chips

  • 9th Aug 2024
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7 Key Trends Shaping India's AI Startup Landscape Beyond LLMs and GPU Chips

India's AI startup ecosystem is undergoing a transformative shift, pivoting from the pursuit of capital-intensive large language models (LLMs) and GPU chips to the development of cost-effective, scalable AI applications and services.

As the initial euphoria around foundational models subsides, Indian startups are increasingly focusing on specialized AI solutions tailored to specific industries and verticals.

This strategic realignment, backed by a growing emphasis on AI tooling, small language models (SLMs), and agentic systems, positions India to leverage its strengths in frugal innovation and democratize AI technology on a global scale.

1. Focus on Cost-Effective AI Solutions Over Capital-Intensive Models

Cost-Effective Applications: Indian AI startups are shifting their focus from building large language models (LLMs) and GPU chips to developing cost-effective AI applications and services. This strategic pivot aligns with India's strengths in frugal innovation and aims to democratize AI technology for widespread use.

2. AI Funding Trends - India vs. the United States Funding Disparity:

In the April-June quarter, AI startups in the United States received $27 billion, while Indian AI startups secured just $8.2 million, a 91% decline from the previous quarter and 82% year-on-year. Year-to-Date Funding: Despite the quarterly decline, Indian AI startups have raised nearly $96 million in 2024, marking a 61% increase over the same period in 2023. This indicates a reset in the Indian AI space, with investors looking beyond LLMs.

3. The Rise of Vertical AI Applications - Targeted Solutions:

Indian startups are increasingly focusing on building AI solutions for specific industries and verticals. For example, Attentive AI raised $7 million to provide AI-powered solutions for field service businesses in landscaping, construction, and other industries. AI in Consumer Devices: Myelin Foundry, a deep-tech startup, raised $4 million to develop AI algorithms for consumer edge devices, such as video, voice, and sensor data applications.

4. The Emergence of AI Tooling and Infrastructure - Startups LLMOps and Beyond:

Startups like Raga AI are carving out niches in AI tooling and infrastructure, focusing on areas such as LLMOps, generative AI, and testing for AI models' accuracy and efficiency.

Safety and Testing: Raga AI, which raised $4.7 million, is focused on diagnosing issues across LLMs, computer vision, and other AI models, ensuring safety and reliability in AI applications.

5. Investment in Small Language Models (SLMs) and Agentic AI Future of SLMs:

Startups like Floworks are developing AI solutions using small language models (SLMs) and agentic systems, which promise a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to AI in India. Agentic AI in Action: Floworks' AI sales development representative demonstrates the viability of SLMs, offering a highly accurate and affordable solution for sales interactions.

6. The Shift Towards Democratizing AI Development AI Developer Tools:

VCs are bullish on startups building tools to democratize AI software development. These tools are crucial for making AI accessible to a broader range of developers and industries. Vertical Applications: Startups focusing on vertical AI applications that reimagine industry processes and integrate deeply into workflows are gaining traction, as highlighted by Stellaris Venture Partners.

7. AI Startups Pioneering New Frontiers Neysa AI’s Success:

Neysa AI, a platform-as-a-service and network observability startup, raised $20 million in seed funding, marking the second highest AI fundraise in India after Krutrim AI. This underscores the growing interest in AI cloud solutions and observability.

AI’s Expanding Horizons: Other promising areas include privacy, optimization in compute power, and enterprise AI solutions, as demonstrated by companies like Clodura.AI and


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